Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Low Thyroid Information |

Posted by BlogTrev on Jun 5, 2012 in Diet, Weight Loss ? No comments

Are you tired and run down most of the time? Does it seem like you have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps to get to the gym, or even to get out and take a walk? Are you struggling to lose weight, doing everything right, but you still can?t shed those extra pounds? If so, you are not alone, and you are not a failure! Not at all. More and more people are feeling these effects and it is not their fault. These factors may very well simply indicate that you are suffering from low thyroid issues.

The thyroid gland is a little gland in the body that processes the hormones that help to regulate and engage the metabolism. If your thyroid hormone levels are too low, then trying to get your engine going is like trying to start a lawn mower that refuses to start! Have you ever tried pulling on that lawnmower cord over and over again with no motor action ever happening? That is what it is like to go through the day with low thyroid. Lot?s of effort and no motor running.

What can you do once you have found that your thyroid level is low? One thing to do is to get your self on a good thyroid diet that supports you in getting your hormone levels back to normal. Some of the elements in an effective thyroid diet plan are iodine intake, and a balance of good fats in what you eat. There are other simple elements that you can put in place as well that will help. Finding out what things to eat and what things to avoid will help you regulate your thyroid and balance your metabolism to finally get on to losing that weight that has been so hard to take off.

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