It?s true that cute cat videos and even photos have a tendency to go viral. But do cats really run the internet? This NPR article examines why it seems that cats do so well on the internet and the article makes some interesting observations, starting with this:
?It?s a long-established fact that Internet content ? whether it?s a cutesy video, a photoshopped inside joke, or a longform public health article ? has a better chance of achieving coveted ?viral? status if it somehow evokes the sound of purring.?
The article is worth reading, if for no other reason than to confirm that cats do seem to demand internet attention.
The suggestion that hits home most with me is Steve Dale?s observation that the internet has become the feline version of the dog park for dog owners. As an avid cat lover who shares my home with six cats, the internet allows me to connect with others who feel exactly as I do about cats, such as the group of ?cat ladies? that form one of my favorite semi-exclusive Facebook groups.
Besides allowing cat lovers to connect with another, the internet also provides an outlet to promote the cat as the purrfect pet. Organizations devoted to cats are using the internet to reach out to cat lovers and cat owners. For instance, Catalyst Council, a not-for-profit organization, is using social media and (even more recently) a new blog to promote the cat as ?America?s #1 companion animal? and has coined the term ?CATalysta? to replace the phrase ?crazy cat lady?. (I?ve been referred to as a ?crazy cat lady? more than once. Though the term was used in a friendly fashion ? or least that?s what I tell myself, the term still does have a negative connotation so I appreciate the use of the newer term ?CATalysta.?)
Another good example is the Winn Feline Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports studies to improve cat health and uses their blog and social media outlets to further education about advances in health care for cats.
Purina is another of the companies that have discovered that cats are a popular topic on the internet. They?ve taken advantage of the bond between cat owners and their cats in their marketing campaign as demonstrated in the video above.
These are only a few examples. Other cat-specific blogs have popped up and become quite popular as well. Here are a few of my favorites.
No doubt there is more than one great cat blog I?ve forgotten and to each of those, I apologize.
Tell us what you think. Are you a cat lover that uses the internet to connect with other cat lovers? Do you use cat-oriented media in the marketing plan for your business? Why do you think cats run the internet? Or do you think their importance is overstated? Leave a comment below to share your opinions.
About Lorie Huston, DVM
Lorie Huston is a veterinarian, pet health and pet care expert, professional writer, blogger, social media and blogging consultant, and SEO strategist.
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